We are pleased you arrived at this website. We hope that you find it ‘user friendly’ and it provides you the information you are seeking. Reach Ministries International is a Christian ministry seeking to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through thought, word and deed. With its beginnings in the Philippines over 50 years ago, its distinctives include:
- A commitment to the whole person (addressing spiritual and economic needs).
- A commitment to develop indigenous leaders
- A commitment to the poor
- Christian discipleship and mentoring
The past few years we have focused our resources on developing ministries in Indochina by providing financial and human resources from the Philippines and the USA. Many of the people involved in the ministry are lay members of the Christian community and are bi-vocational as they earn a living through secular employment and serve in the ministry as volunteers.
As you navigate through this website, you can read about our history as well as the projects and activities of our current ministries. We are making every effort to implement the latest means of electronic communiction so we can keep folks who support and have interest in our ministry activities informed in the most timely and efficient manners.
Please take a look at recent newsletters produced in the Philippines by our sister organization REACH Philippines. You will find links to these publications on this page. REACH Philippines website is: www.reach.org.ph/. Also, if you want to be on our mailing lists, please let us know at cal@reachministriesinternational.com or give us a call at 1-800-727-9265. We will continue to update the site with ministry and project news.
If you have interest in making a financial donation to this ministry, you may make the tax deductible gift electronically from this website. Reach Ministries International is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
If you wish to send a gift by mail, please send to: Reach Ministries International, c/o CRM, PO Box 77160, Corona, CA 92877
Cal Milnes
Reach Ministries International
For secure donations: